Resource Bank


What are adjustments to teaching?

This Learning point describes the ongoing changes that teachers make to adjust teaching and learning and based on evidence in order to improve students'achievement of intended learning outcomes.

What are diagnostic assessments?

Diagnostic tests are defined, and their use described, in this Learning Point. 

What are learning progressions?

This Learning Point describes what a learning progression is and why it is integral to formative assessment.

What are learning targets?

This Learning Points provides a summary of how learning targets can be used to enhance instruction and student learning

What are Next Generation Science Standards?

The Next Generation Science Standards are described in this Learning Point.

What are summative assessments?

This Learning Point describes some key characteristics of summative assessment and describes its role within a balanced assessment system.

What are teacher questioning strategies?

This Learning Point explains questioning strategies as a powerful tool for teachers and students to collect and use information about student understanding in order to move learning forward.

What conditions are necessary for successful implementation of formative assessment?

This Learning Point summarizes the conditions necessary for effective use of formative assessment practices in a classroom, as originally described in a white paper by Margaret Heritage, Nancy Gerzon, and Marie Mancuso

What constitutes a high-quality, comprehensive, balanced assessment system?

This Learning Point provides an overview of the components of a balanced assessment system. 

What does it mean to use matrix sampling in student assessment? MAC, 2018

This ThinkPoint describes what matrix sampling is, when it might be used, and some of the benefits and challenges of using it when assessing all students in a group may not be necessary.

What do we mean by “equitable grading”?

This Learning Point raises awareness of how our common, century-old grading practices perpetuate achievement disparities, and describes the ways teachers and schools might move to more equitable grading practices.

What do we mean by assessment literacy?

The basics of assessment literacy are described in this Learning Point.