Resource Bank


Supporting English Learners’ Oral Language Development

This short online article from WestEd Insights by Margaret Heritage and Aida Walqui provides a framework for oral language production of EL students for purpose of understanding how to guide support for students' work and language development.

Supporting School Community Wellness with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) During and After a Pandemic

Authors: Christina Cipriano, Ph.D., Yale School of Medicine; Gabrielle Rappolt-Schlichtmann, Ed.D., EdTogether; Marc Brackett, Ph.D., Yale School of Medicine This issue brief, created by The Pennsylvania State University, is one of a series of briefs that addresses the future needs and challenges for research, practice, and policy on social and emotional learning (SEL). It explores the role of SEL in promoting wellness during the compounding traumas of a pandemic. The authors identify Bright Spots—examples of how SEL research and practice are being applied to support wellness during this crisis and that may be used in related crises moving forward, and Ripe Spots—opportunities for SEL to support the anticipated needs of schools toward the promotion of school community wellness.

Supporting Teachers Statewide in the Formative Assessment Process- Margaret Heritage

Assessment Learning Network, 2017-18 – Event 4, Event Page

Teacher, Interrupted: Leaning into Social-Emotional Learning Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

This article offers a thoughtful look at the ways we can “lean in” and apply everything we’ve learned about social-emotional learning—for our students and for ourselves.

Teacher Innovation in Response to Current Educational Needs: Factors that Support Teacher Learning about the Formative Assessment Process

In this paper, presented at the NCME Conference 2022, authors Tara Kintz and Ellen Vorenkamp draw on their experience from the field working with Coaches, Learning Team Members, and related professional learning opportunities in the Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME) program to identify five key factors that promote teacher learning about the formative assessment process.

Teacher Learning Progression: Assessment for Learning (2Revolutions)

This helpful chart describes the performance indicators along a teacher learning progression toward mastery in the use of Assessment for Learning.

Teacher Learning Progression: Performance Assessment (2Revolutions)

This helpful chart describes the performance indicators along a teacher learning progression toward mastery in the use of Performance Assessment.

Teacher Questioning: The Epicenter of Instruction and Assessment

This article describes in some detail the questioning strategies that educators can employ and their impacts on students.

Teachers Are Anxious and Overwhelmed. They Need SEL Now More Than Ever.

By Christina Cipriano and Marc Brackett This article is part of the report Education in the Face of Unprecedented Challenges. It addresses the emotional lives of teachers during the early months of the COVID-19 crisis, as reported by more than 5000 teachers in a March 2020 survey conducted by researchers from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and the Collaborative for Social Emotional and Academic Learning (CASEL). In the span of just three days, over 5,000 U.S. teachers responded to the survey. We asked them to describe, in their own words, the three most frequent emotions they felt each day.

Teacher Self-Assessment Rubric

This reproducible tool from Solution Tree is intended to be a teacher self-survey (compose, analyze and improve rubrics).

Teachers Going Gradeless

This source is a suggested resource to supplement the November 22nd, 2019 ALN event.

Teacher Tech Tools and Formative Assessment

This resource highlights 12 tech tools and how they can be used to implement aspects of FAP, such as: eliciting evidence of student thinking, providing formative feedback, panning instruction, and using questioning strategies. Tutorial videos are hyperlinked to the Tech Tools.