Building a Better Assessment Future 2024

Join us for the fourth annual Building a Better Assessment Future conference where we will spark the change to live into new and innovative practices to achieve balanced assessment systems and practices at the classroom, building, and district level. This conference is designed to inspire and equip educators to engage in assessment literate practice and see how each individual can be that spark for their student, their classroom, building, and district — enacting change to elevate learner outcomes and successes. 

During the conference we will explore: 
  • Instruction and assessment that places the student at the center of our practice with a culturally responsive and sustaining approach designed to meet high-level expectations in 21st century learning
  • The implications for assessment practice and systems as we shift to learner-centered approaches
  • The possibilities of our assessment future when all levels of the system are working together, and all stakeholders are assessment literate
  • Stories and examples shared by practitioners that highlight how they are transforming their own practice or engaging colleagues in complex systems change

Who should attend?
Teachers, educators, assessment policymakers, and district teams.

Attend as an individual or as a team! 
We encourage schools/districts to register and work in teams of 3 or more. There will be time to work together toward addressing your own unique opportunities. The MAC supports participants post conference through the recorded conference archives and opportunities to join 2024-25 networks and events.

We are inviting participants to contribute Field Notes — in the field, on the ground, real-world experiences from practitioners about how they’ve implemented building a better assessment future in their classrooms, schools, and districts. Educators from a variety of roles and responsibilities share things that have worked as they use assessment to build a better future for all learners. Check out our Field Notes 2023 video; then apply to present your Field Notes in 2024!


This in-person conference will feature keynote presentations by Margaret Heritage and Myron Dueck, internationally renowned leaders in assessment, to provide invaluable insights, tools and real-life experience to inspire each individual to be the spark for change in their classroom, school, or district.

Become part of the BBAF 2024 experience as we explore and reflect together on what change needs to be sparked, why  the change is needed and how we go about change and innovation — all in the context of leveraging assessment to improve outcomes for our learners.

Over the two days, three blocks of concurrent breakout sessions will feature expert practitioners who share with examples, tools, and processes that will cover three strands crucial to achieving balanced assessment systems and practices, while keeping a student-centered focus:

  • Classroom Practice: Assessment for and of Learning 
  • School Level: Calibration of Teaching, Learning and Assessing 
  • District Level: Structure and Policies 

In addition to the breakout sessions and keynote presentations, we will have reflection opportunities, field notes from Michigan practitioners, and of course, we plan to have a fun time while we are all together among peers and leaders in education! There will be a curated music playlist throughout the conference, catered lunches, a photo booth, and a Mix & Mingle at the end of the first day for drinks and mingling with new and old friends! On the second day, early risers can join us for Breakfast Banter with a hot breakfast and coffee and informal conversation, hosted by Andy Middlestead, Director of Educational Assessment and Accountability at Michigan Department of Education, and Ed Roeber, MAC Assessment Director.

You won’t want to miss this unique and innovative conference — register today to reserve your spot!

12 SCECH credits available

KEYNOTE: Margaret Heritage

Margaret Heritage is an internationally recognized expert in formative assessment. She is a prolific author published in peer-reviewed journals and author, co-author or editor of several titles including: Formative Assessment in Practice: A Process of Inquiry and Action, a co-authored book, English Language Learners and the New Standards, Self-Regulation in Learning: The Role of Language and Formative Assessment, and Formative Assessment in the Disciplines: Framing a Continuum of Professional Learning. Margaret has served as a senior advisor to WestED and spent 22 years at the UCLA laboratory school of UCLA’s Graduate School Education and Information Studies and then as an assistant at the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST). K-12 educators rely on her to translate research to inform practice; she serves as an invaluable consultant to the Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME) Program.

KEYNOTE: Myron Dueck

Myron Dueck is a school leader, author and international presenter. His focus is on helping educators generate ideas, build tools and navigate issues surrounding grading, assessment, reporting and student voice. He has two books published by ASCD Grading Smarter, Not Harder-Assessment Strategies that Motivate Kids and Help Them Learn (ASCD, 2014) and 'Giving Students a Say! Smarter Assessment Practices to Empower and Engage' was released in January of 2021. Myron lives in Summerland, BC, Canada, where he fills a part-time role as Vice-Principal for Communicating Student Learning in his local school district — Okanagan-Skaha 67.

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