Assessment Learning Institute 2021

*Registration is now closed for this event. Watch for the 2022-23 program schedule coming soon!

Join us as we reexamine assessment practices to support learning—right now and into the future.

Educators often experience a disconnect between classroom assessment designed to support student learning and the broader assessment systems and expectations we have associated with accountability. This disconnect can lead to a misalignment between practices and classroom assessment systems when working to advance student learning. This has become quite apparent over the past year as educators have reexamined assessment practices in response to the changing context of the pandemic and related demands on schooling.

This professional learning series will further this reexamination by focusing on using assessment to both deepen and accelerate student learning. This ongoing focus will serve as a basis for MAC’s guidance and professional learning throughout 2021-2022.


This year’s Assessment Learning Institute (ALI) will help participants develop the conditions and capacity to promote core principles of quality assessment practices and accelerate student learning.

Participants will deepen their understanding of:

  • assessment literacy,
  • balanced assessment systems, specifically in the classroom setting,
  • accurate, high-quality summative assessment development and use, and
  • student engagement as partners in the assessment process.

These outcomes will be achieved through the use of key take-aways and highlights from presenters such as Rick Stiggins, Jan Chappuis, and Susan Brookhart who contributed to the Building a Better Assessment Future Conference, June 28-30, 2021.

We will also draw from  a rich catalogue of resources developed by the MAC and partner organizations and the work of Jay McTighe’s new book, Assessing Student Learning, By Design (2021).

Participants will begin to reexamine the use of and deepen their practices around:

  • the effective use of pre-assessment tools,
  • the development and use of quality instructionally embeddedmodes of assessment, and
  • the use of authentic performance assessments, with an emphasis on prioritized standards.

plan of events

The 2021 Assessment Learning Institute (ALI) takes place over an eight-month series of virtual engagements that kick off on August 3, 2021 with a full-day seminar. This is followed by an Assessment Learning Network session with Jay McTighe on October 7, 2021; two virtual after-school sessions (Jan. & March) to dig deeper into content introduced in August and at the ALN; and optional office hours for participants seeking individual consultation about their practice and available resources.

View schedule detail.

Cost: $250

$199 for MAC members  *click here to become a MAC member

  • Includes:
    -3 synchronous virtual engagements
    -1 ALN session with Jay McTighe
    -3 Office Hours (opt.)
    -Book: Assessing Student Learning by Design
    -Up to 13 SCECHs


The Michigan Education Association is partnering to make Assessment Learning Institute 2021 possible.

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