MAC Reads 2019

Assessment Literacy for Educators in a Hurry: Webinar with James Popham

Ordering the book:

The book can be purchased from ASCD here

Teams will meet and set their process for reading the book and having face to face or online conversations around the boo using the ASCD study guide found at the ASCD website:

About the Book

What is assessment literacy? It’s a handful of fundamental understandings about the testing concepts and procedures that influence educational decisions. And it just might be the most cost-effective means of real school improvement.

With characteristic humor and aplomb, assessment expert W. James Popham strips away the psychometrician-speak and condenses the complexities of educational testing to six practical and action-oriented understandings about validity, reliability, fairness, score reporting, formative assessment, and affective assessment.

Presentation Video

2019 MAC Reads

Presenter: James Popham

W. James Popham is Emeritus Professor in the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. He has spent most of his career as a teacher, largely at UCLA, where for nearly 30 years he taught courses in instructional methods for prospective teachers and graduate-level courses in evaluation and measurement.

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